This type of tape is made from a 12-micron-thick sheet of stretch polyethylene. Around 200 to 400 plants can be grafted using this tape. It is not biodegradable but does not need to be cut because, as the plant grows, the tape slowly loosens on its own, leaving the plant free to grow without obstruction because it is so elastic.
Dimensions: 30mm x 55m
These tapes are treated in a specific environment: during production, they are subjected to heat treatment to ensure that they are completely virus-free.
When exposed to direct sunlight, the tape can even withstand temperatures of 65-70 degrees. A graft success rate of around 95% is guaranteed (under optimal conditions).
It is suitable for all types of grafting and T-shaped budding, for both winter and spring grafting, both directly into the soil and for table grafting. Of course, it can also be used for traditional grafting on all fruit trees, citrus, peaches, apples, etc.